In a significant move for the franchise, Chicago Fire FC has appointed Gregg Berhalter as their new director of football and head coach, the club announced...
St. Louis CITY’s remarkable debut season, marked by an impressive 56 points that placed them at the top of the Western Conference, was evident to keen...
Gerardo “Dado” Valenzuela is a shining example of how the player development pathway can lead to success in Major League Soccer (MLS). Born in Boca Raton,...
There’s a new commander at the helm of the US men’s national team, and the excitement surrounding the program is palpable as they gear up for...
Major League Soccer on Monday announced the nominees for 2024 Year-End Awards. MLS clubs determine nominees and can nominate a maximum of two players for certain...
CARSON, Calif. – The latest sign of LA Galaxy being an MLS Cup presented by Audi contender? With Saturday’s fiery 2-1 victory over Austin FC, they completed an unbeaten regular season...
The Colombian international struck for two goals, including the 76th-minute match-winner, in Saturday’s 3-2 victory at Field. He’s now totaled 32 goal contributions (19 goals, 13 assists),...